
The Internet is a Playground

A New York Times bestselling book about missing cats, overdue accounts, and pie charts.


New York Times Bestseller. Expanded edition includes: Missing Missy; Overdue Account, Obvious Foggot; Simon’s Pie Charts; Matthew’s Party; Permission Slip, and much more. Originally published by Tarcher Penguin, The Internet Is a Playground is the first book release by David Thorne.

Available from Amazon and leading bookstores. Signed copies include collector bookmark and sticker.

Blurs the line between genius and insanity.
Terrance Fielding, WIRED
It's a rare occurance when a book can take you from a raised eyebrow to hysterical laughter on every page. This should come with a bright red warning sticker for asthmatics.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Brilliant, original, and astonishingly funny.
The New York Times
One of my favorite things in the world right now.
Jemima Kiss, The Guardian

ISBN 9780988689503    Pages 280    Published 2010

© Copyright David Thorne. All rights reserved.
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