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Just Because It Happened To You Doesn't Make It Interesting
A book about sleeping, static electricity, and blind fish that live in caves.
Let's Eat Grandma's Pills
A travel book about buckets, Morse code, and transparent bubble pods.
Deadlines Don't Care if Janet Doesn't Like Her Photo
A book about fish people, office romance, and big red rocks.
Walk It Off, Princess
A book about cantilevers, secret spots, and Antarctic expeditions.
Wrap It In a Bit of Cheese Like You're Tricking the Dog
A book about suggestion boxes, lizards, and dead coworkers.
That's Not How You Wash a Squirrel
A book about sociopathy, toasted sandwiches, and secret underground tunnels.
Look Evelyn, Duck Dynasty Wiper Blades, We Should Get Them
A book about design agencies, above-ground pools, and magic tea.
The Internet Is a Playground
New York Times
bestselling book about missing cats, overdue accounts, and pie charts.
© Copyright David Thorne.
All rights reserved.
This site may contain personal misinformation and/or photos of bees. Colours may, in time, fade. Activities and vehicle modifications described on this site may be potentially dangerous. Refrigerate after opening. All content on this site is the intellectual property of 27B/6. Reproducing the contents of this site without permission means I get to have your car for two weeks.