thomas demasi

Hello, my name is Thomas and I'm a professional photographer.

Here is my step-by-step guide to becoming a professional photographer like me. Not as good as me though. You have to have an eye for it and that can't be learned. You're either born with it or you're not. Like soft silky hair.

1. How to become a professional photographer

Buy a digital SLR camera.
State, wherever you go, that you should have brought your digital SLR camera.

2. Tricks of the trade

Have a look on the camera; somewhere, probably on the top or back or on the front or side, there will be a button or dial marked 'A'. This does not stand for 'Automatic' as some amateurs think but 'Awesome'. Leave it on this all the time.

3. Lighting

You will need some light otherwise the photos will come out a bit too dark. Usually you can fix them in Photoshop but some light to begin with is good.

4. Subject Matter

Yes, it does. Don't take photos of girls leaving a high school from your car as the fine is $360.00 and twelve months probation.


© Thomas Demasi Photography

Sunset from my rooftop.

© Thomas Demasi Photography
Me on my rooftop.

© Thomas Demasi Photography
View of city skyline from my rooftop at night.

© Thomas Demasi Photography
A plant on my rooftop.

© Thomas Demasi Photography
Clouds over my rooftop.

© Thomas Demasi Photography
Some people that visited me on my rooftop. Or my toes. I'm not sure.

© Copyright David Thorne. All rights reserved.
This site may contain personal misinformation and/or photos of bees. Colours may, in time, fade. Activities and vehicle modifications described on this site may be potentially dangerous. Refrigerate after opening. All content on this site is the intellectual property of 27B/6. Reproducing the contents of this site without permission means I get to have your car for two weeks.
